"1. Seinfeld 2. Breaking bad 3. Curb your enthusiasm 4. Only fools and horses... 5. Men behaving badly 6. Homicide: life on the street 7. The Simpsons 8. The Sopranos 9. Black Adder 10. The office (UK)"

"1. Out of the past 2. Casablanca 3. Once upon a time in the west 4. Taxi driver 5. The big Lebowski 6. Citizen Kane 7. Lawrence of Arabia 8. The third man 9. Mad Max 2: the road warrior 10. The godfat"

"Bogart, Casablanca Mitchum, The Night Of The Hunter Pacino, The Godfather: Part II O'Toole, Lawrence of Arabia Cooper, High Noon Delon, Le Samourai Grant, North By Northwest Cazale, The Godfather: Par"

"My god, some of these choices are horrible. DiCaprio or Gosling to play MICHAEL!?!?!?!?! For Christ, why don't you put Sandler to play Fredo..."

"Why only seven, man? Serbia has great actresses and some of these aren't even among better ones."

"Eric Freeman - Silent night, deadly night: part 2 Tommy Wiseau - The room Shaquille O'Neal - Kazaam Vanilla Ice - Cool as ice Chuck Hittinger - Sharknado ("Now I really hate sharks, too") Gary Epper -"

"Rođena zemljo, jesi li znala tu je pogino bataljon ceo crvena krv je procvetala kroz snežni pokrov, hladan i beo. Noću je i to zavejo vetar. Ipak, na jugu vojska korača: Pao je četrnaest"

"Great performance lists like this are very rare. Well done, sir..."

"Actually, Mad Max picture was from The road warrior. Excellent list, though."

"1. Night moves 2. Kill me again 3. American gigolo 4. In the company of men 5. Dead men don't wear plaid 6. Croupier 7. The public eye 8. Straight time 9. Another woman 10. Thief"

"You skipped one in Monty-Liz and Cary-Deborah combinations."

"The worst list I've seen on Listal... and I've seen the ones with Ryan Reynolds and Leo DiCaprio as best actors."

"Great list. Maybe you could include The wild bunch, Shane, True grit(s), The big gundown, Open range..."

"1. There will be blood 2. No country for old men 3. Before sunset 4. Million dollar baby 5. Sin city 6. Gran Torino 7. 25th hour 8. About a boy 9. Whatever works 10. Mulholland Dr."

"1. Taxi driver 2. The godfather: part II 3. The godfather 4. Night moves 5. Barry Lyndon 6. Dirty Harry 7. Apocalypse now 8. The conversation 9. The Warriors 10. Annie Hall"

"1. The rules of the game 2. Ninotchka 3. Grand illusion 4. Gone with the wind 5. Bringing up baby 6. City lights 7. The lady vanishes 8. Swing time 9. It happened one night 10. Stagecoach"

"1. Sweet smell of success 2. North by northwest 3. High noon 4. Vertigo 5. Sunset boulevard 6. The night of the hunter 7. A place in the sun 8. Shane 9. Ace in the hole 10. Singin' in the rain"

"1. Once upon a time in the west 2. The good, the bad and the ugly 3. Lawrence of Arabia 4. The wild bunch 5. Dr. Strangelove 6. Psycho 7. Le Samourai 8. The man who shot Liberty Valance 9. Lolita 10. "

"1. Body heat 2. Mad Max 2: The road warrior 3. Once upon a time in America 4. Withnail & I 5. Full metal jacket 6. The purple rose of Cairo 7. Stranger than paradise 8. Say anything... 9. Scarface 10."

"1. Casablanca 2. Out of the past 3. Citizen Kane 4. The third man 5. Brief encounter 6. The big sleep 7. Double indemnity 8. Detour 9. Shadow of a doubt 10. Kind hearts and coronets"

"1. The Big Lebowski 2. Miller's crossing 3. The remains of the day 4. Happiness 5. Office space 6. Wag the dog 7. Glengarry Glen Ross 8. The player 9. Pulp fiction 10. Unforgiven"

"Great list. You should include Zlata Petkovic, Bojana Maljevic, Neda Arneric, Tanja Boskovic, Dubravka Mijatovic..."

"@johanlefourbe Ok, I dig you effort and none of these movies aren't exactly "classics" (except probably Pat Garrett), but so many films from list are lesser classics, so I really think that you should"

"You missed The Dude, dude. Anyway, very cool list. I have list of coolest dudes too ( http://www.listal.com/list/as-cool-as-it-gets ), maybe you find some other guys you wanted to put but forgot."

"@johanlefourbe And why is that, dude? These movies I said are much better than many of those from the list and Ebert didn't like any of them."